ShiningCare, Inc. is a local non-profit established in 2009 with a mission to give compassionate support, expert guidance and assistance to at risk elders, disabled adults and their loved ones to maintain safety and wellness.
About Us
- Our Founder
- Our History
- ShiningCare's Board Members and Advisory Council
- Ministry Purpose
- What is an Aging Life Care™ Professional?
- How We are Different
Our Founder
Joanne H. McCarley is the Founder and Executive Director of Compass ShiningCare. She is a Care Manager Certified and has a degree in Social Work, as well as over 25 years of experience working with seniors and disabled adults in both medical and community settings. As Executive Director, Joanne has utilized her education and experience to develop programs offering necessary resources and services to disabled adults and elders, as well as the families and professionals who are responsible for them. In addition to program development and directing, she remains highly involved as our Programs Director and Lead Care Manager. Joanne views her work as more than a career and business. Having elderly loved ones herself, she understands the level of need for our kind of services, and is passionate and dedicated to creating and providing superior, innovative, affordable services for families.
Joanne is a health and human services specialist who acts as a guide and advocate for clients and/or families who are caring for older relatives or disabled adults.
About the CMC Certification: Consumers and other professionals can be confident in their choice when selecting a Care Manager who holds the CMC credential, as they are qualified to perform the full range of care management tasks through a validated, standardized examination. All CMC Candidates must meet rigorous education, experience, and supervision requirements to qualify for the exam. Candidates are tested on the five domains unique to care management. The test is administered by an independent testing company.
In order to maintain certification, CMCs are required to participate in continuing education and professional development. Certification is renewed every three years to ensure that Care Managers are practicing at the highest professional level.
Return to topOur History
Our rich history began in 1996 as COMPASS, LLC. In 2009, our founder created an offshoot non-profit agency, ShiningCare, due to increasing numbers of people aging with inadequate, dwindling resources for both the older and dependent adult populations. ShiningCare was founded to be an answer to the rapidly growing need for support for these individuals who are lost, lonely, and hurting.
We are lighting the way and stepping in to fill the gaps in service left by the decline of the economy and government funding. The numbers of older adults, disabled individuals, as well as their caregiver loved ones is growing rapidly. They are at-risk of becoming homeless, hospitalized and living in poverty due to increasing cost of living and unaffordable care. ShiningCare is dedicated to providing innovative programs and services for safety, health and overall well-being.
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ShiningCare's Board Members and Advisory Council
Rich Pinnell Board Member
Prime Residential Inc.Branch Manager
Dave Silva,
Board Member Professional Exterminators-Owner
Deb Arias
Board Member, Community Member
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Ministry Purpose
Shine the light of Jesus Christ’s grace, compassion, peace and joy to glorify God. We are servants of the Lord to bring comfort, healing and restoration to those who are lost, broken hearted, mourning or in despair. Whatever we do, we do it all for the glory of God. We are not religious, but simply followers of Jesus and servants of God. Our ministry is of the Church, by the Church and for the Church. We are in the Body of Christ and powered by the Gospel and Holy Spirit. We are non-denominational and not affiliated with any one church congregation. We serve to bring God’s peace and the full, abundant life that Jesus Christ gives, shining light in a dark, pain-filled world.
Our Agency: We are a non-profit (501C3) agency with multiple programs to accomplish our mission.
We have a number of programs focused on facilitating connection, relationship and preventing isolation/seclusion, loneliness, boredom and depression. Our programs and activities provide opportunities for mental engagement, relational connection and overall full/quality life via our Aging Life Care program.
Return to topWhat is an Aging Life Care™ Professional?
An Aging Life Care Professional is dedicated to helping clients age well while also supporting quality of life for family members. This phase of a family’s journey together is often complicated. There is more to do than there is time. Relatives may live far away. Relations can become strained.
Our professional training and knowledge of best practices can ease the journey.
Every family is unique. As Aging Life Care Professionals, we apply our insights and skills in 8 key areas to provide you with a positive care plan tailored to your family’s individual needs and strengths.
We offer expertise regarding:
- Health and disability: Through assessments and experience, we can help you understand what your loved one does well, and in what areas he or she could use additional help.
- Finances: A review of the current monetary situation will result in a plan to make resources stretch as efficiently as possibly while maintaining the desired level of comfort, dignity and safety.
- Housing: Based on the assessments, recommendations can be made for optimal living situations now, with a view to likely changes in the foreseeable future.
- Family: Sibling disagreements and old family history often make the aging journey difficult. Our training provides for skilled facilitation of family meetings and creation of a plan that takes everyone’s needs into account.
- Local Resources: There are programs available to help, but it’s difficult to know which one is the most appropriate for your situation. Save time and money by letting us objectively evaluate the situation and connect you to the resources best suited to your needs.
- Advocacy: Our comprehensive knowledge of the disjointed health care system allows us to monitor quality and lobby for the care and treatment your family wants.
- Legal: Let us help you identify issues and get key paperwork in order.
- Crisis Intervention: The unexpected is simply a fact of life in aging. We are experienced with elder emergencies and are ready to jump in at a moment’s notice.
ShiningCare is in the business of helping aging adults and their families to live well throughout the aging process. Give us a call at (530) 232-5543, or toll-free (866) 495-1641 to discuss the many ways we can help you.
Return to topHow We are Different
We are a compassionate non-profit agency with a mission to improve quality of life. We give direction and solutions to meet the needs of individuals and families with the highest quality, most cost-effective services.
Hospital- or insurance-based case managers are employees of the health care system. They are good professionals. Their focus, however, is to address the issues of patients within the institution and to make efficient use of services for their organization.
We are based in the community and work with aging adults wherever they live. We provide continuity of care across all settings. We include the family and focus on improving quality of life for the older adult and their grown children.
Senior advisors are paid referral fees to suggest elder care facilities. As a general rule, they have a more limited sphere of knowledge and do not hold a professional degree needed to give them expertise in the 8 key areas of elder care. Only those facilities willing to pay a finder’s fee will be included in their list of suggestions. There may be a more appropriate option, but it will not be mentioned if the facility does not pay for referrals.
Because we are paid directly by you, we are independent and objective. Our focus is 100% on the needs of your family and your aging loved ones. We apply our considerable skill and years of training to your unique situation.
When the issue is safety and quality of life, you deserve the best!
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