Removed the stress
I first became aware of ShiningCare when I met them as part of a leads group, at the time I thought “this is something good for the community but I’ll never need their services”. Then life happened and my mom became more and more difficult to deal with, my sister and I had no idea if we were setting reasonable boundaries but wanted to do the right thing and making sure we were doing as much as we could without going over the line. ShiningCare sent one of their case workers out to interview my mom and came back with insights that allowed my sister and myself to provide reasonable care and comfort without stepping over the line, we were able to find common ground with Mom so there wasn’t too much drama during the final years of her life. Without the input and insights from ShiningCare we would have spent 4
or 5 years of struggling with demands and drama.
Fast forward a few years, our daughter-in-law’s mother went through a fast cycle of declining heath, including a couple of minor strokes, that left her without many options, finally the local hospital deemed her non-rehabable and told family that she was going to be moved to a care facility 3 hours way. All this happening late on a Friday afternoon, one phone call to ShiningCare and I was on the phone their team. An hour later I had the knowledge to stop the re-location of “Mom” to a care facility 3 hours away and that gave us a few days to explore all the options available, in the end we lost “Mom” but it was a much better outcome and took tremendous pressure off the family. I can’t say enough about
the passion of ShiningCare to help and protect the seniors (and their families) in our community.
Rich Pinnell, Community Member
Return to topTestimonies From Local Agencies Who Have Worked With ShiningCare
We love partnering with ShiningCare. Many of our customers are older adults, so having a resource like no other is so comforting. Not only has ShiningCare given us incredible information whenever we request it, but they have taken the time to train all of our techs for the Gatekeeper Program. The training helps our techs to recognize the warning signs when one of our older adult customers is at-risk and how to connect them to the program that provides them with the help and resources they need to stay safe.
I have a brother who works for adult protective service’s in another county and have heard story’s over the years and he wishes they had a resource like ShiningCare in their area. We are grateful to be partnered with ShiningCare and what they do to advocate on behalf of our older adult community here in Shasta county.
Dave Silva.
Owner of Professional Exterminators:

ShiningCare really cares about seniors and it shows in everything they do!! Their compassion is over flowing, and we are proud to support their
Teri Simmons, Owner
Hill Country Community Clinic supports the efforts of Compass Shining Care to support and expand their services. As a Federally Qualified Health Center, Hill Country serves many of the same at risk seniors in our community. Shining Care is always available to assist the patients that we refer. The organization is held in high regard throughout the community. Their work to prevent and address elder abuse, both financial and personal, is a much needed service. We enthusiastically support their request for additional support
for their important work.
Passages Caregiver Resource Center is delighted to offer support for Shining Care in any endeavor they pursue. We have a long-standing relationship that goes back at least 12 years. During that time our agencies have collaborated on a number of projects to support at-risk and frail elderly in our community. They have worked very diligently to address the needs of seniors, including education about financial abuse, and keeping seniors safe in their homes for as long as possible.